Genius at Work shows you how to identify and model your high performers and then use the results in the design and delivery of everything from recruitment and selection processes, interviewing and induction training to performance management, talent management and knowledge management processes.

Change Magic is a practical guide to real cultural change - enabling organisations that continually adapt and evolve to a changing environment whilst creating their own path.

The Unsticker is an amazing creative problem solving tool. Take even the stickiest, most challenging problem, ask yourself random questions from the book and, after just 4 or 5 questions, BANG! and the problem's gone!

The Radically Sensible Approach to 21st Century Learning

The Unsticker is a tool for personal or group problem solving. You can use it by yourself, with your friends and family or in a group problem solving session at work.

The plain, simple, sensible approach to selling - equally valuable for both product and service sales.

Move Beyond Coaching Models and Learn to Create Powerful Change

Here's a full list of my books that could be valuable for coaches and trainers.

Open up a whole new world of exploration with your coaching clients with Projective Coaching Techniques from internationally recognised coaching and personal development expert Peter Freeth. Projective Coaching enables you to work beyond the constraints of language and reveal the complex inner world of your client's reality.

A beautiful set of original photography to use in a variety of ways in projective coaching sessions.

5 sets to collect, each featuring 72 unique cards.

Learn the simple secrets to creating a sustainable coaching practice from Master Coach Peter Freeth.

Subscribe to my Genius at Work podcast in which I interview ordinary people with extraordinary talents.