The plain, simple, sensible approach to selling - equally valuable for both product and service sales.
ISBN 978-0-9565358-56
Spend more than a few minutes on social media and you'll be tripping over sales gurus who promise to make you rich through their secrets of success. Why is this book any different? For a start, Peter Freeth doesn't promise to make you rich. Secondly, Peter isn't some ivory tower based sales guru writing about what only worked for him. You know the type. "Do what I used to do and you'll be as awesome as I was". Peter is sharing the simple, straightforward best practices of all the best sales people he's worked with in over 30 years in business. That's a lot of sales people.
"What you have to do is make sure you’re doing the right things at the right times. Some sales people stick rigidly to the ‘sales cycle’, others say that they’re a creative, dynamic, responsive sales virtuoso who likes to be flexible. In other words, they have no plan and are working reactively, which means the customer is calling the shots, which means they’ll never be in control of the deal. The best sales people I’ve ever met are also the most organised, methodical, analytical people I’ve ever met."
If you want to get yourself organised, if you want to discover the simple, methodical, analytical approach to selling then forget the other gurus and their secrets - this is the book for you.
And if you just want to cut to the chase and learn the secret to being a great sales person then here it is: make sure you’re doing the right things at the right times. The trick is to know what the right thing is, and to figure out when the right time is.
The answers are in this book, of course.