If the goal of NLP is to narrow the gap between simulation and reality then in scanning the choices of Master Practitioner books to purchase on the internet I was surprised there were not more to choose from, which makes Peter Freeth's manual a rather essential read.

Joseph Augustine

Comprehensive and well written, with great examples and a practical client case study. This will be a great purchase for anyone wanting to take their NLP knowledge to the next level, including a deeper understanding of language, the Meta Model, and how to apply it. In some cases it's a departure from the more standard NLP texts as some traditionally accepted NLP beliefs are challenged and rejected, such as how many senses we take information through (traditionally it's still taught as being 5). This in itself makes it both an intriguing read, and a must-have for people at Master Practitioner level.

Amazon review

Peter writes this book very well. It's very simple to understand and there are great comparisons which makes it easy to relate to. This manual with Peter's honest and near walk-through of what NLP on Master level is all about, is a must have.

Rene Reinar Svendsen

I've been a Master Practitioner for many years, and the challenge for me is always to turn NLP technology into usable applications that are seamlessly integrated with our everyday language to give excellent results. I've just read the 'see inside the book' excerpt, which was enough to convince me that Peter's style of writing and what he has to say is well worth taking the time to read.

Alison Bramall

fivestars"This is literally one of the best books I have ever read about coaching! Peter Freeth gets it. His fresh insight and creative approach come with a deep profundity and clarity that demystifies the process of coaching. His insight into the proper place and use of models, listening deeply and linguistic representation provide an uncomplicated depth to be the best coach possible. Thank you!
Greg Schweitzer

"Thank you for the training. It's an over used phrase, but is appropriate here, life changing. I am learning many things as a result of the week we spent together, this morning these thoughts are milling around my mind: 'I am afraid I'm not clever' Who I Am, Who I am afraid I am, the pretence I put on to cover up who I am afraid I am. Staring into the eyes of a baby, pure, undifferentiated Awareness....The Pure I Am.....then I developed a fear of who i might be, then a 'personality' built around hiding who I fear I am from others. The truth? Every one sees my pretence and doesn't care. What a relief....phew 😊 Thank you Peter Freeth"

Mark Harris

"Having experienced Peter's own work I knew I was in for a challenging session which would help me to truly examine myself as a trainer and most importantly from a student's point of view. Peter has dissected the learning experience for himself drawing on a wide range of sources from both NLP and beyond. His gentle questioning translates experience into understanding with ease and he role models consistently both in and outside the classroom. Peter Freeth's NLP Trainer Training was the most intelligent stimulation I have had for a long time and I know it will not end now as he has helped me to a path of discovery that will run and run."

Vincent Neate

Peter has a unique way of diagnosing the issues in a business which delivers simple solutions that have a high impact and actually work. In a recent management development program, a seasoned manager said that Peter's training was, "the best he'd ever seen". Peter is a master coach, communicates on the participant's level and with authority, focuses on the right challenges and delivers practical solutions that people can actually use and measure. He certainly revealed insights into our culture and high performers that we couldn't identify or put into words before.

Inder Arora, Landmark Group

Peter has been working with us for nearly ten years, providing consultancy and bespoke training solutions. Peter is a skilled diagnostician who is able to develop and deliver development interventions to match the individual needs of the group. Feedback from the events has always been very positive. One of our Heads of Department, who has many years’ experience as a university lecturer, said that Peters’ Presentations Skills course was the best course he had ever attended. I have no hesitation in recommending Peter to other organisations.

Geoff Evans, HR Manager, RSSB

Coaching Excellence - A straightforward, no holds barred guide to the steps to coaching mastery. As well as boiling down the real keys to an effective coaching session, it also explores the behaviours that coaches sometimes have that hold them back from making a real difference. A powerful read from start to finish, and a book that I'm revisiting constantly to help refine my skills and push through the fear, whoever's fear it happens to be.

Matt Hatson

Peter's talent for analysing, deconstructing and distilling complex material via anecdotes, metaphor, demos, case parallels and small group practice to enliven the learning, combined with his knack for connecting the dots between course material and our own 'real world' circumstances, has made the experience invaluable for me and is why Peter stands out above the rest.

Cynthia Jacques

“Peter Freeth was recommended to me by a friend as someone with a strong track record of delivering NLP training for a number of years. I was fortunate enough to complete the Practitioner course with Peter in 2016 and would recommend his training to anyone who is looking at how they approach the challenges they might face. Peter showed a willingness to learn what each of us on the course wanted to gain through attending and how we might apply new skills. This focus on the real world application of these techniques backed up by the benefit of Peter’s experience and pragmatic approach were incredibly valuable and enjoyable. I finished the course eager to revisit my approach to training design and delivery and have since made changes which are increasing learner engagement. I would happily recommend Peter Freeth as a trainer and coach.”

Patrick Armstrong Assoc CIPD MCMI, Network Services Trainer, Nationwide Accident Repair Services

Peter has proven to be highly skilled and insightful with in-depth understanding of NLP and in working with those of us on the course.  I am taking away a wealth of new knowledge and skills, with clear understanding of how I can readily apply it within my own context.  Peter’s ability to tailor the learning to my and other delegate’s circumstances has made the experience immediate, resonant and most relevant.

Cynthia Jacques

“This really is as good as they say”

Karl Tyler

“Peter gift wraps startling ideas with great entertainment.”

Michael Flaherty, Practice Manager (RAMC) 29 Commando Regt (RA)

“I have no doubt that Peter is on course to be one of the most influential and effective leadership guides of the early 21st century.  If you’ve encountered Peter before, you’ll probably already have this book. If you haven’t – be prepared for a fundamental shift in your approach to business. He really is that good”

David Nicoll, MD Certax Accounting

“Excellent, brilliant, just what I was looking for. This week I've had phenomenal reactions from the sales staff in the classroom sessions I've been running. So a very big THANK YOU.”

Karen Stockton, Associated New Media

“A practical and engaging set of everyday problem solving tools which is guaranteed to generate solutions to problems, and leave users with smiles on their faces. Magic!”

Geoff Cook, MD, The Training Partnership

“A wealth of new insights and ideas, Change Magic represents a different approach so that you can take away your own unique interpretations and apply them into the real world of organisational change.”

Peter Harty, MD, Innervision Performance Coaching

“Peter gift wraps startling ideas with great entertainment, In the hands of another, less intelligent writer, this kind of book could become incoherent, but Peter has enough intellectual power to make this a 'MUST HAVE BOOK'...Change Magic has conviction, style, knowledge and humour.”

Michael Flaherty, Practice Manager (RAMC) 29 Commando Regt (RA)

“If I had to reduce my business library to one book, this would be it. Peter's approach is practical, down to earth, and perpetually challenging. This chap is to be counted amongst the business guru's/greats. And he has one great advantage over many of them - his stuff actually works across the whole business not just for 'strategy' people.”

David Nicoll

Your training was the best I could have gotten! I'm using it so so often!! Especially while preparing trainings and workshops but even more during them! Learned so so much! Thanks again again and again!!

Chantal Vroom-Bezuijen

A fantastic session; really productive and fulfilling. I learned so much. The way in which you broke down the language Mark & I used was wizardry. I felt so much in tune as a result and excited to have been involved. Thankyou!

Jay Knight


"Peter is a coaching genius. I have had several coaching sessions with Peter as well as attending his accredited NLP training courses. Peter is an incisive, focused, challenging and playful coach who has the knack of getting right to the core of an issue quickly and without intrusion. He is hugely inspiring, influential, supporting and caring at the same time. I am happy to recommend him as a coach and trainer. Time with Peter is an investment that pays back time and time again."

Tony Moorcroft, Coast Consulting

"If anyone I know is considering NLP (Master) Practitioner training, I can't recommend anyone better than Peter Freeth."

Tony Moorcroft

"I participated in an NLP Practitioner course which was designed and run by Peter. Although I'm highly experienced in my own field and in facilitation of such, Peter took me away from my comfort zone and challenged my perception of what was acceptable for my behaviour both in the classroom and with clients. Not only did I pass the course and am now a practitioner, but I was able to put into practice many of the methods taught on the course immediately on my return AND settle down to deliver a piece of work which I had put off for so long. 

Many thanks for educating me and putting me in the right frame of mind to tackle something that I had procrastinated and put off for too long, a task which actually proved to be very manageable and provided a great sense of achievement when completed."

Jacqui Aird-Paterson, Global VP of L&D at IACE International Association of Commissioning Engineers

"Peter knows his stuff; you think you know it all and then you meet Peter. Excellent instructor, passionate about his field and very good at adapting to suit the audience. Straight-talking and a true expert - can't recommend enough."

Dan Wilesmith, IT Professional

"15 Years later and I'm still using the techniques Peter taught. I first met Peter when he agreed to speak at one of our conferences. He has an incredible ability to captivate large audiences and still manage to communicate with everyone individually. He always got great feedback. There's no text book to do lists, Peter is able to make it personal, giving real life, useable solutions that are practical and give results immediately. Even when there are irrational fears, such as public speaking. In an hour I was armed with an approach and a state of mind that I still use today."

Simon Polledri, Manager, Society of Petroleum Engineers

"I had barely heard of NLP before I signed up to Peter's Practitioner course ten years ago. I was extremely fortunate to have him as my trainer and the NLP course was a revelation! NLP has enhanced my own life and my work (teaching, training and career coaching) ever since and I have found his books as entertaining and informative as his training."

Ruth Guy, Careers Consultant, Coventry University

"I’ve attended a number of NLP trainings in the last 10 years. This was different on many levels, the main one being the amazing relevant content delivered by a great coach - Peter, but also the fact that it wasn’t in the stale environment of a hotel with no character.
I’d never attended a training course in a villa in Spain before and I was a little curious as to how it would work out - what if I didn’t like people? Would there be space for me to do my own thing? Would there be enough food? 
In reality, the environment was amazing. The villa was comfortable and had plenty of space for reflection and alone time, with areas where the group could hang out. Peter’s approach is supportive and caring and he ensured that our needs were looked after. Most of the time I spent time with the rest of the group, but often went for a run with another keen runner, or just relaxed by the pool. It was really informal and we got on great.
I definitely preferred the environment to a corporate hotel and it helped me to relax so the learning was much deeper. I wish more providers offered the opportunity to have an opportunity to have a ‘holiday’ whilst learning. Definitely recommend"
Tony Moorcroft, Coast Consulting

"I signed up for the course in Spain in 2015 after meeting Peter at NLP conference earlier that year. I was in desperate need of some sunshine and to get to know more about NLP - and about myself! I was going alone and apart from the course synopsis I didn't know what to expect and who I would end up spending an entire week with (including the course, meals and going out). I needed not worry as from the outset I was made to feel very welcome and by the end of the week we all felt like we had been friends for years. With the teaching team there is no pressure to 'perform' and plenty of opportunities to be yourself. You will also have a lot of time out during the day that you can choose to spend relaxing by the pool either by yourself or chatting to others.

With each new NLP concept on the agenda we had the chance to put the theory into practice with the other participants. This genuinely reinforced each concept in our minds as well as strengthening the bond between each member of the group. So much so that on the last day one of the guys wrote a beautiful poem on friendship that struck a chord with all of us!"

Lise Cheron, Project Manager

Finished the kindle version (of Learning Changes) today, bloody good stuff, definitely one to re-read with a notebook.

Jamie Beaumont

"In 2008 I began my professional NLP training and although now an accredited NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer I'm super excited to be attending an NLP practitioner training facilitated by Peter Freeth who is an amazing trainer and coach."

Tony Moorcroft

"Personally this has been by far the best NLP training I have experienced. I was a little nervous about going back to NLP Practitioner training but it has turned out to be a huge step forward for me.

I now get it!

Previously I had learned to apply my knowledge of NLP at a surface level. Your profound, skilful, knowledgeable and supportive style has taught me not the words of NLP but the grammar of it, which means I now have the means to express my skills in so many useful ways - confidently, competently, courageously and with care.

Thanks so much for creating a safe, supportive, fun and learning environment in which we all accelerated our ability to coach using NLP."

Tony Moorcroft

"Peter's 'business-friendly swish pattern' is pretty cool - I also appreciate the way he doesn't take himself too seriously."

Andy Smith, NLP and EI trainer and writer

 "I've met Peter on multiple occasions, both before he became a trainer and after, and he's become a highly prolific contributor and innovator as well. Peter is one of the more creative NLP thinkers I've met and he reminded me a little of Rex SIkes' gifts."

Jonathan Altfeld, International NLP trainer and writer

Fantastic book! One of the best reads, this book really puts into perspective successes in layman's terms. I would recommend everyone should have a copy on the bookshelf. Very well written and a joy to read. Very motivational and realistic.

Dipesh Mistry, Learning and Development Sales Training Manager, Vauxhall Motors Ltd

"Peter is someone who practices what he teaches. He teaches not what is written in a book but real practical stuff. It's fairly simple, you learn and you execute. The process between learning and doing simply unfolds. The false beliefs and limitations I held all my life seemed to disintegrate like magic. And whether you believe in magic or not - attend his training, and you will experience a phenomenon that's magic."

Tapas Malaiya, Senior Resourcing Manager, Capita

"Peter's trainings are life transforming & inspiring. He takes you on a journey of self exploration & introspection. And then he imparts the wisdom & strength to explore new horizons. His trainings are an experience. He is not merely a trainer. He is an intellect. And above all, he is a charmer. It was an enjoyment and a pleasure to be a part of his training. I feel refreshed, enriched & enlightened."

Tapas Malaiya, Senior Resourcing Manager, Capita

"Peter's support was vital in; Helping me recruit 25 new team members and bringing almost all of them to quota, In selling £300,000,000 in two years, landing milestone deals in a new market and new technology area, and in giving our executive confidence in our growth that generated their investment of time and resources."

Guy Wood, Director, Sales Development, CGI

"Peter has a strong understanding of developing coaching initiatives in the business environment."

Richard Mills, Director of UK Human Resources & European Talent Management, Panasonic Europe Ltd

"Having just completed the NLP Master Practitioner in Spain with Peter Freeth, I honestly cannot think of a more fantastic learning experience and I have been on many! This course is about “mastery” not just learning techniques and theory, it is highly interactive and immersive and with constant oversight from Peter I felt supported at all times. Overall, an excellent training experience and a complete shift in many aspects of my own skills and thinking. I cannot recommend this course highly enough."

Steve Heneghan, Courage Consulting, Chairman of North West Coaching Circle

"Peter Freeth has the rare talent. His training approach engages your brain at a level deeper than mere understanding, he helps you to learn how to teach yourself, to question and challenge your beliefs and perceptions rather than just regurgitating a bunch of information and techniques. His knowledge and experience of using NLP in a business environment is impressive and I have learned a lot from him. I would highly recommend Peter's immersive master practitioner course."

John Lesley, Customer Service Coach, Just Retirement

"I interacted with Peter for 10 full day sessions during the Master Certification program on NLP and for the entire 10 days not a single participant was able to hold back their participation at any point in time. He is a world-class Master Facilitator and has shared his vast experience and insight with many of us. His ability to Coach and understand people behavior is also commendable. At the same time he remains a keen learner, open for new ideas and concepts with a high level of intercultural sensitivity. 

He is one of the best trainers I have seen and worked with. He has the ability to bring out the best in people through putting them at ease. I will strongly recommend Peter for Executive Coaching and Leadership Programs. "

Nitin Thakur, Head Talent Management - Asia Pacific, Rockwell Automation

Peter has been working with us for nearly ten years, providing consultancy and bespoke training solutions. Peter is a skilled diagnostician who is able to develop and deliver development interventions to match the individual needs of the group. 

Feedback from the events has always been very positive. One of our Heads of Department, who has many years’ experience as a university lecturer, said that Peters’ Presentations Skills course was the best course he had ever attended. I have no hesitation in recommending Peter to other organisations.

Geoff Evans, HR Manager, RSSB

"I worked closely with Peter Freeth at Oxford Brookes University, and was very impressed by Peter's knowledge of his subject area, and the attention to detail he gave the contracts we discussed. I had great confidence that the interests of University were well protected.”

Kevin Henderson, Contracts Manager, Oxford Brookes University

“Peter is highly skilled at building business relationships at all levels. He combines strong commercial awareness with exceptionally clear verbal and written communication. In my experience, Peter always delivers on projects that he is involved in, and I confidently recommend him as a business partner.”

Ian Wycherley, Programme Director, Oxford Brookes University

“Peter is a highly creative and thoughtful coach with an excellent knowledge of his subject. He has a very personable and pragmatic approach that encourages his clients to explore their issues.” 

Stephen Cordell MCIPD, L&D Manager, Parker Hannifin

"I enjoyed working with Peter in a mentoring capacity which helped my personal development and confidence to take on a much bigger role. I would recommend working with Peter to support in the training and development arena with you or your teams."

Andrew Pettingill, Managing Director, Blue Arrow

"Peter Freeth has a unique approach to putting theory into action. I recommend his book to Learning and Development professionals, HR managers or trainers."

Manny Richter, HR Manager, Bostik

"Peter supported our recent Strategic Management Board away day, looking at our future strategy and vision. His interventions were clear and kept us focussed on the agreed outcomes for the day in an excellent way. He did not shy away from challenging us or giving us some simple tools to bring clarity."

Matt Prosser, Strategic Director, South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils