The best advice for you is the advice you would give to someone else! Here's the advice shared by the participants in the July 2019 workshop in Weston.

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As a general overview, the opportunity to improve behaviours and capitalise experience from other senior peers and mentors.

Save time in your agenda to invest in implementing the things you learned and the assignments you will be responsible for executing.

Be open for ideas and experiences.

Good time to connect with people.

Separate time in advance from your calendar to prepare prework and work on your projects.

Challenge the coaching sessions.

Great training that has a set of good information, coaching and processes to improve your leadership skills as well as your professional style.

Be the most honest you can with your needs and areas of improvement.

Be open, willing to participate.

Give time and priority in your agenda.

Learn to manage your time to get all the potential from the course.

Focus in the program, make a list of how you can apply every bookmark. Highlight ideas by their actual job.

Apply within the two first weeks what you learn to make sure you don't forget.

Do the homework.

Great opportunities to develop the professional skills and focus on all the sessions.

Productive and useful tools and information.

Take advantage and implement right away all the information. Networking.

Invest your time, focus on listening, full attention and enjoy.

Clean up your work calendar and make time for it.

Make a profound self assessment about your strengths and weaknesses. Be honest with yourself.

Be open to learn, available to expend additional time.

Enjoy the meetings, work hard on your career possibilities, ask so many questions as possible!

Meet the leaders.

Make sure you plan ahead and block time in your agenda for the rest of the year!!

Relate with as many people as you can.

Take time to network and learn not only from the program but from others.

Use and maximise the given resources.

Networking. Make yourself visible.

Take time for processing information for yourself.

Take advantage of coaching sessions and the networking with the participants as well as the sponsors of the program.